Sunday, May 24, 2009

You bring the cup and I'll bring the moonshine

I'm not sure if I like my job or not. It makes me feel lonely. I don't miss camp. I really don't. But I miss having people around who care about me at my work place. I work in an office now and it's so different. The focus is so different. What is number one priority at camp; relationships, is number 10,567 at my work. Number one is performance. Stress from lack of performance leads to drama and drama leads to gossip. It's not abnormal to hear people whispering about other people around my office. It's lame. Lame lame lame and I don't like it. Is this what most offices are like?

On the other side of the mountain, I am enjoying spending the majority of my off time with my family. I'll visit my grandma lots this summer. I'm slowly realizing how important her grandchildren are to her. And my parents continually amaze me. I don't know why. Maybe I've come out of the 'my parents are embarrassing' stage to the 'my parents are quirky but generous and kind people' stage. It's a strange feeling. Life changing, really.

And yet again I have managed to leave my glasses at someone else's house. Someone at Canada Post is making a fortune off of me this summer.

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