Friday, October 24, 2008

My early Christmas list..

I know that October isn't over, Halloween hasn't sprung with it's skeletons and candy-overload, the first snowfall hasn't snuck up, and midterm exams aren't over, BUT I'm already writing my Christmas list. However this year's list is quite a lot different than years past. For one, it's not possible to buy anything on this list. And for two, you'd probably be putting God out of a job if you could wrap any of these things up to put under my Christmas tree.

So here is my list of everything I want for Christmas this year.

1.) My roommate's will to break and her to find Jesus in the midst of her brokenness. And for ups to stay up and downs to disappear.

2.) For my parents to still live in Kelowna, yet miraculously be only 15 minutes away from my apartment when I want to see them.

3.) For Kittens and puppies and all medium to large animals of this world to get the love that they deserve. And for them not to get abandoned on the sides of roads and flushed down toilets.

4.) Hillsong to come to Nanaimo.

5.) And world peace. Obviously.