Saturday, June 27, 2009

Post number 100

I've decided that at one point in my life I would like to make a hugely rash decision.

Maybe I'll sell all of my worldly possessions and move to Africa to save the children. Maybe I'll quit school, get married, and have 25 kids. Maybe I'll sell my soul to rock and roll. Maybe I'll meet James Bond, throw my morals out the window and live in heavenly sin for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll join a convent and have a chastity belt glued to me for eternity.

Who knows.

But I would like to do something exciting, something that scares me and makes me feel more alive. Something completely unpredictable. Keep them talking, you know.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Slowly I've learned

Slowly I've learned

I've learned that growing up doesn't mean having the maturity to hold a 9-5 job
I've learned that being unique isn't something to be ashamed of
I've learned that really loving someone means accepting them for everything they are

Slowly I am learning

I'm learning that each moment is a precious gift from God and should be treated as such
I'm learning that being apart is a blessing because it shows me my capacity to love
I'm learning that I will never ever never stop learning.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Two months.
Two months.
Two months.

I count the days at least 200 times a day.
My mantra.

Two months.
Two months.
Two months.
Two months.

I have never missed someone this much in my life.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A different day I would've entertained you

I had this extensive metaphor the other day about how finding a husband was like bargain shopping. I worked out every little detail in my head and compartmentalized it for a later blogging date.

And now I'm too tired to type it all out. Too bad. You can be assured that it was damn good though.