Sunday, October 14, 2007

Things that I miss...or that I just really enjoy

  • having an entire day with no plans and choosing to waste it away by reading a really good book
  • driving around Kelowna in the dark
  • going to karate workshops, spending 8 hours a day for 3-4 days straight working my butt off before going back to the condo/hotel in pain and complete fatigue, and loving every second of it
  • going on walks and having a hand just 'there' for you to hold
  • being at my grandma's old house
  • spending an entire day out on the lake in a sailboat or a Hobie cat
  • standing on the dock at camp during the thursday night taper services and watching the sun go down
  • living with anywhere from 2 to 4 other girls in a crowded one room cabin
  • having 'mother-daughter' chat time
  • watching a movie with someone special and having absolutely no idea what's actually going on because you spend all of your energy watching the person rather than the TV
  • sitting in a hot tub late at night looking at the stars

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