Saturday, April 4, 2009


I think my love bamboo is dying. I've been feeding him responsibly, he's sitting on a comfortable ledge, and he has sunlight and a nice view in front of him. Maybe I need to start reading to him.

I'm going to make a garden this summer with sweet peas, carrots, onions, garlic, flowers, etc. I'm going to grow those plants like they're my children and then I'm going to make yummy food from them that will taste so good because they've been grown through my efforts and love. Maybe I'll sing to them too.

I bought biodegradable earth friendly laundry detergent yesterday and it brought me great joy and excitement. I might have a mini garden in my house next year on a windowsill.

I think I'm turning into a hippy.


J'aime said...

I smell patchouli...

Jan said...

Are you sure that you will not feel conflict from treating your veggies like children then eating them?

Christine said...

Until yesterday, I had carrots trying to grow on my desk.. I still have basil and cilantro there.. you're not a hippy, you're a responsible girl! :)

Anne said...

Haha, you guys are great. However I never thought about the conflict in affection vs food supply. I think I'll be fine when they sacrifice their lives for my stomache. They'll have lived a good life.