Friday, February 15, 2008

If that's love...

...then I want nothing to do with it.

I went this afternoon to go see Definitely Maybe with a friend. Overall it was a cute movie. Guy tells his daughter a story of every relationship he has had, changes the names of all his ex-girlfriends so that the daughter has to guess which one is her mother (who he is currently divorcing). There are funny parts, sad parts, and a generally happy ending.

I liked the movie. I won't lie. But it also made me really sad. Not the typical sad during the sad parts, and then happy and wishful at the end of the movie kind of sadness. It almost left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Throughout the entire telling of the relationships of the main character, heartbreak was the dominant theme. The guy bought two engagement rings and was turned down both times! His first love slept with his roommate, second love got him fired and can you blame him when he ran away from the third? He got married, had a child, got divorced... Eventually he was reunited with a long time love and it's implied that they live happily ever after.

I have one thought on this movie. If that's love then I want nothing to do with it.


Jan said...

I know that love is supposed to be perfect and come all wrapped up in goodness and God knows I hope that for everyone I love including myself. But also, it means being vulnerable and not having walls up and that can hurt for sure.

Christine said...

I saw this.. I was really excited to see it, because I thought it'd be awesome (and the little girl is the same one as Little Miss Sunshine, and since that's like, my favorite movie, I decided that I wanted to see her again.) My thoughts..
-ugh, robert, do that and die.
-please don't do that to me
-do you really love me?
I was kinda bummed after, and I really hope that we don't turn out like that first couple. I promise though, love isn't like that. At least, not from what I've experienced. Robert and I have been apart for 4 months, and neither of us did anything stupid. Maybe since I'm not in a movie, it doesn't matter. I hope that I don't get too hurt on the path to find "the one".. which is lame.